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Toasted Marshmallow Porridge

Toasted Marshmallow Porridge

Cooking Time 5 minutes
Skill Level Easy
Serves One bowl
Preparation Time 5 minutes



40g Mornflake Medium Oatmeal 

240ml of liquid

Pinch of salt

Optional: drop of vanilla


Small handful of marshmallows

2 squares chocolate

1 tbsp almond butter


  • For the Oatmeal: add your Mornflake Medium Oatmeal to a saucepan with 240ml of liquid, then add a pinch of salt and vanilla if wanted.
  • Cook on medium heat for 3-5 minutes until thickened, adding more liquid as you cook if you’d like a runnier consistency.
  • Add your oats to your serving bowl, topping with marshmallows, chocolate and nut butter of choice, then torch your marshmallow with a blowtorch if you have one.