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Croque Monsieur

Croque Monsieur

Ever experienced the delight of a Croque Monsieur? Feast your eyes on this beloved staple in French cuisine…think of it as more than just your average grilled cheese and ham sandwich, the Croque Monsieur is elevated by its roux sauce and topped off with a sunny-side-up egg.

Cooking Time 20 minuites
Skill Level Medium
Serves 1 sandwich


THE ROUX SAUCE, makes enough for 3-4 sandwiches

50g butter

2 tbsp plain white flour

1 tbsp oat flour (Mornflake Superfast Oats blended)

300ml milk

250g grated mature cheddar or gruyere

2 tbsp Dijon mustard

Salt and pepper

TO ASSEMBLE, per sandwich

1 egg

2 thick slices of white bread

2 handfuls grated cheese

Optional: mustard

Optional: ham

Shop the ingredients

Creamy Superfast Oats

Creamy Superfast Oats

12 x 500g pack
Other pack sizes are available

Add to cart £13.80


  • First, make your roux sauce – add your butter to a medium saucepan on medium heat.
  • Once melted, stir through your flour and whisk until you have a paste.
  • Add your milk, drop by drop, continuing to whisk, so you end up with a thicker paste which is smooth.
  • Continue to whisk in the milk, leaving about 100ml for later.
  • Reduce the heat to low, continuing to whisk, then stir through your mustard & salt and pepper.
  • Add your grated cheese, then bring the heat back up to medium so it melts.
  • Once the cheese has melted into the sauce, remove the sauce from the heat and lightly toast your slices of bread, and preheat the grill.
  • If your roux sauce is too thick at this point, add a splash more milk to make it spreadable.
  • Add 1 tsp mustard to one side of your toasted bread, then top with a generous handful of grated cheese.
  • Add your top slice of bread, then cover with around 2 tbsp of your roux sauce, spreading it evenly around the top slice, but make sure it doesn’t seep over the edges.
  • Top this slice with a generous handful of melted cheese, then place under the grill for around five minutes.
  • Whilst your cheese melts under the grill, fry an egg in a pan. Traditionally, the egg is served sunny side up, but flip it if you’d like to.
  • Once the cheese has melted, add your egg to the top, season with salt and pepper & serve.

Shop the ingredients

Creamy Superfast Oats

Creamy Superfast Oats

12 x 500g pack
Other pack sizes are available

Add to cart £13.80